
The Existence of the MFM Relies On Your Support

The Minnesota Fishing Museum is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. As such, we rely on the help and support of corporate sponsorships, valued members, industry partners, sports clubs, private donations, and volunteers. Our operating expenses are covered by donations*, memberships, admissions, fundraisers, and our O-FISH-L Gift Shop. As a non-profit organization we are also involved with charitable gambling (Pull-Tabs) at several central Minnesota locations.

If you care about passing on Minnesota’s rich heritage of freshwater fishing to the next generation, we then welcome you to join our "family." Become a MFM member, volunteer, make a nominal donation, or donate an artifact. Your support is essential to our growth, success, and future!

*Donations are tax deductible.




Become A MFM Member…

We invite you to become a part of the Minnesota Fishing Museum by enrolling in one of our membership programs. Membership to the MFM is very quick and easy. Simply print, complete, and return the membership application along with your noted membership fee. You can also call the museum, and we will take your information over the phone and charge your membership directly to your credit card. We accept Visa, Mastercard, and Discover.

2024 Membership Form Document (3)


Make A Donation…

At the Minnesota Fishing Museum your generosity and donations are key. Help us carry out our mission to preserve Minnesota’s fishing heritage and pass it down to future generations through displays, curriculums, and hands on experiences for all ages. Whether your donation is a physical or financial one, we truly appreciate your generosity. The Minnesota Fishing Museum is a 501c3 non-profit organization, meaning your donations are greatly needed for our future existence and are tax deductible.


Monetary donations are welcomed to assist with museum operations, including building maintenance, utility costs, marketing materials, and more. To make a financial donation to the Minnesota Fishing Museum you can mail a donation; call and charge a donation to your Visa, Mastercard, or Discover card; stop in at our Little Falls location; or donate directly online.


All of the artifacts and memorabilia found throughout the museum have been donated by individuals, sportsmen, anglers, organizations, clubs, and businesses just like you. We accept donations of the following used fishing related items:

  • Anchors
  • Boats
  • Bobbers
  • Fish Hooks
  • Fish Nets
  • Fishing Ads & Publications
  • Fishing Reels
  • Fishing Rods
  • Flies
  • Knives & Fish Scalers
  • Lures
  • Minnow & Bait Buckets
  • Oars
  • Outboard Motors
  • Spearing Decoys
  • Spears & Gaffs
  • Tackle Boxes

Please contact Minnesota Fishing Museum regarding any potential donations of artifacts for the museum collection.


A contribution to the Minnesota Fishing Museum is a fitting way to honor the memory of a loved one who enjoyed fishing. Please contact the museum to discuss your individual request regarding memorials.


Become A MFM Volunteer…

Volunteers are an integral part of keeping the Minnesota Fishing Museum open and operating. They support the MFM staff and board by assisting with:

If you love to fish you might help as a tour guide, assist at fishing events, clean artifacts and motors, tend to our aquarium, etc. Are you a storyteller? What better way to use your talents than to tell some "fish stories"? If you want to meet people from all over Minnesota and beyond, become a host at the museum, greeting people and showing them around.

If general cleaning is a fit for you, we have lots of gift shop items to keep clean, not to mention our collection of artifacts. Perhaps you like to scrapbook. We have years of clippings and pictures that need to be archived in a user-friendly way. We always need help at our special events, which are great ways to be involved when it is convenient for you. Just let us know your special interests, talents, and abilities and we will find a place for you to serve.

  • Fundraising
  • Programming
  • Light Housekeeping & Property Maintenance
  • Tours Guiding & Demonstrations
  • Helping at Various Events
  • Mailings, Advertising & Publicity
  • Secretarial Duties
  • Story Telling
  • Exhibit & Display Creation / Updates


MFM staff will show you what to do and how to do it. You may even have some helpful, time-saving suggestions for us.


Becoming a volunteer at the Minnesota Fishing Museum is very easy. Either call, stop by the museum, or contact one of our board members to discuss your areas of interest, expertise, and capabilities with regard to your health and time commitments. We have a short form for you to fill out to gather your contact information. We will give you a call when the need arises.

See our Events page to determine which events you might like to volunteer your time for. When volunteering, we have a booklet for you to sign-in and sign-out so we can keep track of how many hours you are donating to the MFM. It’s that simple. Contact us today!